
Having been burnt by the crash of my investment portfolio in 2008 I started looking around for alternatives to the traditional options available. As I started to research I discovered that a lot of traders were moving away from the financial markets and starting to trade the sports markets. Unbelievably this was because the sports markets had become the more predictable!

Having always had a passion for sport this really caught my attention. Since I have a full time job the research has always been a labour of love, so balancing this with work and family life has meant it took me some time before I felt confident enough to share my methods and strategies.

After 5 years of experimenting with many different strategies I am confident that by following the advice on this website anyone can make a healthy return on their investment, certainly better than any return you will realise through legal investments.


Disclaimer: I realise that in today's world we live in very much a "blame culture", with a total lack of personal accountability; it's always someone else's fault when things don't work out the way we had hoped. Well, just to be clear here, I am in no way a professional financial advisor; I in no way guarantee that you will make any money (or indeed that you won't lose any). If you have an addictive personality, or at anytime you feel the need to bet overcoming all rational senses, then you should visit these guys or these guys - don't blame me! If however, you want to follow along as I try to make a nice profit on my hard earned coin, and have a little fun along the way, you are very welcome to join the ride.